
What proof of concessions are required?

Concession Proof of Concession
60+ ID proving age and recent City of Wolverhampton Council Tax bill
Armed forces and previous personnel Pay slip/pension proof.
Veterans - Discharge paperwork or copy of the MOD 90 - Veterans can apply here for their own service records .
Child Tax Credit Tax award letter and recent City of Wolverhampton Council Tax bill/email from Council Tax Credit.
ESA (Employment and Support Allowance) ESA award and recent City of Wolverhampton Council tax bill
Full Housing Benefit City of Wolverhampton Council will provide you with a letter to state that you are entitled to full housing benefit. Please call 01902 551166 and select option two, followed by option two again.
Full time student Students studying full time in the 'U.K' (schools, further education, college or university). Available to students studying or living in Wolverhampton. If you study outside of Wolverhampton, you will be required to show proof that you live in Wolverhampton and pay council tax to City of Wolverhampton Council.

School/College/University ID card will be required - if you study outside of Wolverhampton then we will need to see home owners council tax bill or if you live in student accommodation then a utility bill with your name and address.
Apprentices Apprentices will have an Apprenticeship agreement or an Apprenticeship ID card.  Available for apprentices training or living in Wolverhampton.  If you train outside of Wolverhampton you will be required to show proof that you live in Wolverhampton and pay council tax to City of Wolverhampton Council – updated June 22.
Incapacity Benefit Incapacity benefit letter and recent City of Wolverhampton Council tax bill
Income Based Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) JSA letter and recent City of Wolverhampton Council Tax Bill
Income based Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) ESA letter and recent City of Wolverhampton Council Tax Bill
Income Support Income Support letter and recent City of Wolverhampton Council tax bill
Working Tax Credit Working Tax award letter and recent City of Wolverhampton Council tax bill
Universal Credit

Monthly journal from online portal (see below) and recent City of Wolverhampton Council tax bill

Universal Credit statement
Which benefits does Universal Credit replace?

Universal Credit will replace:

Income Support
income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
income-related Employment Support Allowance
Housing Benefit
Working Tax Credit
Child Tax Credit

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Disability Living Allowance (DLA), this will continue to be paid along with your Universal Credit payment but they are not currently included in WV Actives concessionary memberships.

Please email with your proof of reduced rate.